Thoughts for the Road
- Distracted driving is estimated to be a factor in between 25 to 50 percent of all traffic crashes--that’s between 4,000 and 8,000 crashes every
- Distracted driving is the presence of anything that can distract a driver’s physical and mental attention from
- Driving instructors estimate that a driver makes an average of 200 decisions during every mile they drive. This leaves no room for multi-tasking while behind the
- According to a recent survey, drivers in the U.S. now spend a total of 500 million hours a week in their vehicles.
What Drives People to Distraction?
- Other passengers, especially children
- Driving an unfamiliar vehicle or route
- Unsecured cargo
- Adjusting in-vehicle electronics including navigation systems, radios or CD players, and using the phone
- Eating or reading while driving
- Engaging in intense or emotional conversations
- Emotional state and/or serious personal problems
- Grooming
Tips to Manage Potential Distractions
- Pre-set the climate control, radio and CD player and identify the location of signals, wipers and lights in the vehicle before you
- Don’t wait until you are driving to plan your route or attend to grooming. Plan before you go and leave a little earlier; it will help you to arrive at your destination safely and less
- Pull off the road to make calls. Pre-set your cellular phone with commonly called numbers and allow voicemail to handle incoming
- Be sure to properly secure pets and any cargo you may be transporting.
- Be sure children are properly secured in an age-appropriate child passenger safety restraint.